Thursday, September 20, 2012

Facts about Lord Rama's birth and How to Celebrate Sri Rama Navami

“Birth of RAMA”
Rakshasa RAVANA  got Powerful boon from Lord Shiva, becomes more arrogant and started torturing Sages and Bramanas. The Head of Devas (HOD)- “Lord Indra” complained about Ravana’s activity to Lord Brahma in the occasion of ashvamedha yagna performed by the King Dasharatha. Lord Bhrama said “Ravana obtained a boon that he shall not be slain by any of the devas, divine beings, or even by othe rakshasas. Here what he made a mistake that he omitted humans from this list, thinking them of no account  -lies the means of his death by lord Vishnu in his next incarnation as mortal”. Suddenly there arose a divine being- ”Prajapatya Purusha”. Dasharatha bowed on seeing this divine nature and said that “I have developed this yagna to obtain progeny, What should i do next?”. The Divine gave a golden vessel containing the divine dessert and asked Dasharatha’s wifes to consume this in portions so that they can bear a baby boy in a course of time.Then Dasharatha gave the divine dessert to his first queen Kausalya and then to Sumitra and to Kaikeyi, at last some portion of the dessert left again he gave it to Sumitra, by the power of divine dessert, all three became pregnant. Twelve months later after the completion of ashvamedha yagna, On the ninth day of the month of chitra, on the punarpusa star and in the sign of cancer, Queen Kousalya gave birth to a son possessed of all divine attributes, who other else is this?, this lotus red faced, long armed baby boy who was the incarnation of Lord vishnu was named as ” RAMA “. Soon after Kaikeyi gave birth to ” Baratha” and Sumitra gave birth to the twins Lakshmana and Shatrughna. Thus people of Ayodhya rejoiced in arrival of their new Princes.
Again there arise question,” Is Ramayanam is just an epic or real?”, “then actually on what day Rama was Born?”.
And the answer is,” Ram is real, He was born on Janaury 10, 5114 BC “.
How can we say this exactly, Yes, Saroj Bala, IRS, Commissioner of Income tax, says that, there is a software called “Planetarium Gold Software” which is used by the  scientists to measure the distance of planets from Earth and to predict Lunar and solar eclipses, by entering planetary position described by Maharishi Valmiki as ‘the ninth lunar day of the bright fortnight of Chaitra, asterism Punarvasu was in the ascendant and (as many as) five planets (viz, the Sun, Mars , Saturn, Jupiter and Venus) happened to be exalted (appeared in the zodiacal signs of Mesa or Aries, Makara or Capricorn, Tula or Libra, Karka or Cancer, and Mina or Pisces respectively) and Jupiter in conjunction with the Moon appeared in the zodiacal sign of Karka’ in this software we can tell not only Rama’s birth day also we can predict entire slots in Ramayanam.
“Sri Rama Navami”
Ramanavami is one of the important festival in Hinduism that too particularly in vaishnavas                set of hindus. On that day one can meditate on his name or one can write “Sri Rama Jeyam” to obtain success in their carrier and one can vow to lead a righteous life. One can also take strict fast on that day. In homes we can offer “Panagam” – Jeera water and “Neer Moor”- Butter Milk and “Pasi parupu sundal”- (Moong dhal) with lemon or with coconut mixture to God and to the devotees in temple.

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